No need to cut your bangs! Just clip them =D Now available in 3 Styles! Slant, Slant Kawaii and Straight! Introducing the latest addition, S...

Hiya dearies! We'd like to take this opportunity to wish all our customers  Gong Xi Fa Chai and happy holidays ! Chinese New Year Break ...

SANA ESTENY HOT MASSAGE (Ultra Super Hard) 240gm -250% more red pepper extract -Double the slimming and firming benefits -Burns fat Body mas...

SANA ESTENY FACIAL HOT MASSAGE GEL Helps to contour and slim down face and cheeks or double chin. Contains natural honey and botanical extr...

Hey dearies! We'll be at Tropicana City Mall this Saturday 8 Jan 2011. Come and join us if you're up to getting new stuff for a new ...

Top SECRET at the Bottom  Enhance your curves instantly! MyMagicButt (standard) push up padded panty ACTUAL PRODUCT PHOTO - in action Photo...

Happy New year, dearies! Wishing you a blessed year in 2011! Thanks for your overwhelming support. We're on News Straits Times' Life...