Supermodel's Secrets is now dot com =D

Dear Supermodel's Secrets babes, We've moved our website to: Thanks to all who've supported u...

Dear Supermodel's Secrets babes,

We've moved our website to:

Thanks to all who've supported us all the way! Our look and feel will be maintained at the mo, until the time commands for a facelift and full fledged shopping cart. We've merely exported the entire blogspot content to our new domain. Pls update your bookmarks accordingly to our new website yah.

For those who can't access our website, you may still log on to our usual blogspot address: as it will be redirected to our new domain.

Enquiries can be directed to . The old email will still be used at the moment, however it will be gradually phased out over time starting from July 2010 onwards.

Lots of <3,

Supermodel's Secrets

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